Enjoy 1 - Small - Chastity device


Enjoy chastity cage for men.

Size: Small

Nice chastity device in stainless steel with integrated locking system.

Ball sack ring circumference

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 (4,6/5)  - 5 rating(s) - 4 review(s)
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Enjoy chastity belt for men. Beautifully chastity belt that will fit most men. The chastity cage is available in 3 diffrent sizes, small, medium and large. 
The cage consists of 3 parts. A cock cage which is put over the cock, a backring which is set behind the ball sack and a lock which keeps the two parts together. 
The lock is integrated into the chastity device, and therefore there is no need for a separate padlock. Please note that the chastity device comes with two keys and unfortunately we are not able to provide additional keys. 
Due Enjoys unique design it gives security for the Keyholderen and still allowing plenty of air to the locked cock. The many openings makes it easy to maintain hygiene and the cage is very easy to clean even for a longer amount of time. 
The front end is protected by two brackets but is otherwise open. It gives Keyholderen perfect opportunity to do tease and denial. 
When purchasing Enjoy one backring is supplied with the set, you can choose between size 40 mm., 45 mm. or 50 mm. backring. 
This cage is made of steel and will therefore include nickel to a greater or lesser extent. On arrival at Kink-Shop's cage tested and found small deposits of nickel, as expected. If you have or have been allergic to nickel, this chastity belt is not recommended and instead we recommend that you buy one of the many products CB. At the same time, we recommend that this product be used with caution and if you had to have allergic reactions immediately stop the use of chastity belt.

Data sheet

Length (incl. back ring)
4.50 cm. / 1.77 inch
Penis tube circumference
11 cm
Penis tube diameter
3,50 cm
Ball sack ring circumference
12,56 cm / 14,13 cm / 15,70 cm
Ball sack circumference
4,00 cm / 4,50 cm / 5,00 cm
Metal (stål)
By (Hvidovre, Denmark) on  22 Mar 2021 (Enjoy 1 - Small - Chastity device) :


Hurtig levering og buret passer perfekt. Tak Kink Shop.

By (Næstved, Denmark) on  05 Jan 2021 (Enjoy 1 - Small - Chastity device) :

Fedt chastity

Fedt chastity device - det er MEGET SMÅT - men på den fede måde - jeg har ikke verdens mindste pik og det tog lidt arbejde og dybe vejrtrækninger at få buret lukket - men det føles enormt godt at have på - selv hvis du har en bred pik kan det lade sige gøre at få på hvis pikken er helt slap - men der er INGEN plads at “vokse” i - det er så fedt ;)

By (Kruså, Denmark) on  28 Apr 2020 (Enjoy 1 - Small - Chastity device) :


Først det “negative”. Er svært at få “monteret” specielt hvis man har svært ved at styre erektion, da ringen er lidt lille. Vaseline kan varmt anbefales samt først at få tekstiler igennem ringen, evt. holde en lille pause så “begejstringen” faldereb derefter fører penis igennem. Efter endnu en pause kan selve buret monteres og låses.
Det kan uden problemer være på også udenfor soveværelset, da det ikke kan ses. Oplevelsen bliver kun bedre, når nøgleholderen sender beskeder, der kan man virkelig mærke burets “magt”.
Vild sexet at have på udenfor soveværelset og fantastisk når nøgleholderen forbarmer sig og slipper fri.

Kan varmt anbefale buret, ville gerne vise billede, men er umiddelbart ikke muligt.

En meget tilfreds kunde

By (Sommersted, Denmark) on  20 Nov 2019 (Enjoy 1 - Small - Chastity device) :
The customer has rated the product but has not posted a review, or the review is pending moderation
By (Bøvlingbjerg, Denmark) on  14 Oct 2016 (Enjoy 1 - Small - Chastity device) :



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